Speech at Int‘l Think Tank Forum on Silk Sustainable Development 2021Ruizhe Sun, President of China National Textile &Apparel Council尊敬的国际丝绸联盟主席张国强先生、陈文兴院士,国际丝绸联盟副主席Xavier LEPINGLE先生、Stefano Vitali先生、Renata Amano女士、赵丰先生、陈祥平先生,国际蚕业委员会秘书长Rajit Ranjan Okhandiar先生,意大利丝绸协会秘书长Guido Tettamanti先生,尊敬的各位来宾:大家好!
Dear Mr. Zhang Guoqiang,Chairman of International Silk Union,Prof. Chen Wenxing, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering,ISU Vice Chairman Mr. Xavier LEPINGLE, Mr. Stefano Vitali, Ms. Renata Amano, Mr. Zhao Feng, Mr. Chen Xiangping,Mr. Rajit Ranjan Okhandiar, Secretary General of International Sericultural Commission,Mr. Guido Tettamanti, Secretary-general of Ufficio Italiano Seta,Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,很高兴有机会与各位行业同仁共同探讨全球丝绸行业的可持续发展问题。我谨代表中国纺织工业联合会对论坛的成功举办表示祝贺!对长期以来关心和支持丝绸行业发展的各界朋友表示感谢!
It is my pleasure to have the opportunity to discuss with you on silk sustainable development. On behalf of China National Textile & Apparel Council, I would like to extend congratulations to the successful convening of the Forum and sincere thanks to all friends for your attention and support to the development of silk industry all the time. 当前,全球气候变化正以前所未有的速度和幅度影响着人类社会发展,改变着产业生态与经贸格局。坚持可持续发展,实现碳中和已经成为全球的产业共识与竞合焦点。Global climate change is affecting human society in a speed and a scale we have never seen before. It changes the ecology of industries and the landscape of economy and trade.Sustainability and carbon neutrality have become a general consensus and focus of coopetition of global industries.丝绸行业贯通一二三产业,承载着人类对美好生活的追求,是全球化最早的、符号性的产业。推进全球丝绸行业的绿色创新、绿色制造、绿色消费和循环经济,尽早实现产业的“碳中和”不仅是产业责任所系,而且具有特殊的意义。Silk industry, connected with primary, secondary and tertiary industries, bearing the pursuit of human beings for better life, is a pioneering industry in globalization and symbolization. It is the industrial responsibility and of special significance to promote green innovation, green manufacturing, green consumption and recycling economy so as to achieve carbon neutrality as soon as possible.可持续发展无疑是正确的方向。我们要做正确的事,也要正确地做事。当前,对于行业的可持续发展存在着一些不合理的国际评价与做法。特别是针对丝绸环境影响的一些片面的、不科学的信息,给全球丝绸行业的生产和消费带来了误导,影响了产业的健康发展。Sustainability is certainly the right direction. We need to do the right thing and do it in a right way. Currently, there are some inappropriate international evaluation and practice on industry sustainable development. In particular, some one-sided information on the environmental impact of silk industry have misled both silk producers and consumers, and impeded the sound development of the industry.本次丝绸可持续发展国际智库论坛的一个重要目标,就是要为丝绸行业实现“碳中和”寻找科学的方案和路径,为丝绸产品全生命周期评价寻找客观的技术与方法,从而更好维护全球丝绸产业的形象与利益。The main purpose of the Forum is to seek for a scientific solution to achieve carbon neutrality, and an objective methodology to evaluate the life cycle of silk products to protect the image as well as interests of global silk industry.“碳达峰、碳中和”,是中国实现可持续发展、高质量发展的内在要求,也是推动构建人类命运共同体的必然选择。去年,中国宣布力争2030年前实现碳达峰,2060年前实现碳中和的目标愿景。用全球历史上最短的时间,完成全球最高碳排放强度降幅,这充分反映了中国应对气候变化的决心与力度。Carbon peak and carbon neutrality are not only China’s own need to secure sustainable and high-quality development, but also a right choice for building a community with a shared future for mankind. Last year, China announced to strive to peak carbon dioxide emission by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. Such commitment means that China will accomplish the maximum carbon emission reduction in a much shorter time span than what might take many developed countries and that reflects the resolution and decisiveness of China.中国丝绸行业也将积极融入这场全局性、系统性的行动,与全球伙伴一道共同推进丝绸产业的可持续发展与“碳中和”的实现。借此机会,我对全球丝绸行业的同仁们提出三点倡议:China’s silk industry will also join the action with global partners and make contribution to the silk sustainable development. I’d like to put forward three suggestions to all the colleagues and friends in the world silk industry.一是坚持实事求是,科学设置目标。尊重客观规律,一切从产业实际出发,做好规划,设置分段目标,科学把握行业“碳中和”的工作内容、力度与节奏。First, we need to set goals by seeking truth from facts. To achieve carbon neutrality, we must respect objective laws, make plans in line with industry realities and take action step by step.二是坚持问题导向,系统提升能力。推动制造升级与科技创新,打造绿色低碳循环的丝绸产业体系,推进从原料、设计、生产到回收全价值链的绿色转型。Second, we need to tackle the most pressing issues first to enhance overall capability. We will build a green, low-carbon and recycling silk industry system to foster the green transformation of the entire value chain from raw materials, designing, production to recycling.三是坚持国际合作,共同应对挑战。加强产学研的国际交流,加强宣传,增进共识,以项目课题为载体推进务实合作,寻求实现全球丝绸“碳中和”的最大公约数。Third, we need to work globally to meet challenges. We will increase exchanges, strengthen promotion,reach consensus and carry out project cooperation to seek a convergence of interests in realizing the carbon neutrality of global silk industry.朋友们,积力之所举,则无不胜也。让我们携手前进,共创美好未来!Nothing is impossible when we pool all our efforts. Let us join our hands and work together for a better future.Finally,I wish the Forum a great success. Thank you!