How To Judge The Relationship Between Quantity And Price?
Generally speaking, investors' attention to stock price changes is much greater than that of volume changes. Based on the theory of technical analysis, we believe that the analysis of volume and price must be combined to achieve better results. In fact, the judgement of the trend of stocks or stocks can not be divorced from the analysis of volume. Market experience also shows that trading volume usually changes first than stock price. Therefore, in the judgment of stock market trend, it is necessary to grasp the application principle of OBV index to make up for the deficiencies in stock price analysis.
The OBV line, also known as the OBV energy tide, is used to quantify the volume value and make the trend line. In line with the stock price trend, the market atmosphere is deduced from the relationship between price changes and turnover volume. Because in the market, investors' divergence in the future trend of stock prices will be reflected by changes in volume. The greater the divergence, the greater the volume of transactions. The theoretical basis of OBV is that the change of market price must be matched by volume. When the stock price rises, the volume must increase, but it does not necessarily require that the change of volume is directly proportional to the change of stock price. The fluctuation of market price is difficult to continue because of the rise and fall of the price and the turnover volume. It can be seen that the starting point of OBV is based on volume. Price of stock The leading indicators of change, short-term stock price volatility and corporate performance are not completely consistent, but influenced by popularity. Therefore, the change of volume can predict the direction of stock price volatility.
Because the trend of OBV can partially show the movement direction of the main funds in the market, it shows that the unusual excess turnover in the current period is hovering at low price or at high price. Therefore, investors can take the lead to grasp the direction of development of the stock market or stocks. However, it should be noted that the OBV line is generally used as an important judgement method for short term fluctuation of stock market. The OBV line must be matched with the trend of stock price to be judged and analyzed.
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